Joe's Coffee

For the Coffee Aficionados

On a quest to discover the finest coffee in the world, Joe travels across the globe to trace the origin of each variety back to scenic farms in exotic lands.
Each coffee is carefully selected and roasted to perfection.

Showing 1 - 16 of 16 item(s)


Sumatra Mandheling Coffee is a rare Indonesian coffee that offers a delightfully smooth and rich, heavy body. This coffee has low acidity and an exotic flavor that lingers on the back of the palate and...


From the Kintamani Highlands of Northern Bali, the Bali Moon Coffee offers a unique and rare, low acid, smooth cup of coffee that boasts intense flavor and aroma. 16 ounce bag


Coming to you from the very old Toraja region coffee trees on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, the rare Sulawesi Coffee offers a full body and creamy texture. Celebes Toraja coffee is known for its complex, earthy...


With local conditions extremely similar to those of the Jamaican Blue Mountains, Papua New Guinea Coffee seedlings were originally from a Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee planted in 1927. Papua New Guinea, often abbreviated PNG, occupies the...


Gayo Mountain Peaberry Coffee is grown at an elevation between 4,500 to 6,000 feet above sea level, near the breathtaking Lake Laut Tawar. This area is in the center of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, Indonesia,...


Coming to you from the very old Toraja region coffee trees on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, this rare coffee offers a full body and creamy texture. Celebes Toraja coffee is known for its complex, earthy, and...


We are now offering a 2 oz bag of Wild Kopi Luwak, enough for a full pot for you to try some of the most expensive coffee in the world, or get a 16 oz if you...


With local conditions extremely similar to those of the Jamaican Blue Mountains, Papua New Guinea Coffee seedlings were originally from a Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee planted in 1927. Papua New Guinea, often abbreviated PNG, occupies...


How Indian Monsooned Coffee first came about happened by accident, for on the long voyage from India to Europe, coffee beans were exposed to monsoon winds. The beans then underwent a distinct change in color...


This extremely rare coffee from the island of Flores, Indonesia offers an earthy, mouth-filling taste with pronounced aromatics of tobacco and exotic earth notes. With a big, bold body and low to medium acidity, this...


Sumatra Mandheling coffee is a rare Indonesian coffee that offers a delightfully smooth and rich, heavy body. This coffee has low acidity and an exotic flavor that lingers on the back of the palate and...


Sumatra Mandheling Coffee is a rare Indonesian coffee that offers a delightfully smooth and rich, heavy body. This coffee has low acidity and an exotic flavor that lingers on the back of the palate and...


Sumatra Mandheling Peaberry coffee hails from the growing region near Lake Toba on the beautiful Indonesian island of Sumatra. This coffee offers a light, silky mouthfeel and an exotic flavor. Sumatra Mandheling Peaberry is a rare,...


Coming to you from the Greenland Organic Farm, Nepal Coffee offers a full, velvety, bold, mellow acidity, and hints of citrus. Greenland Organic Farm is an ethically organic and certified organic farm built around the...


Sumatra Mandheling coffee is a rare Indonesian coffee that offers a delightfully smooth and rich, heavy body. This coffee has low acidity and an exotic flavor that lingers on the back of the palate and...


Yemen Harazi coffee is grown in the elevations of 1800-2200 m above sea level, which enjoys moderate temperature and low humidity. Such climate is one of the most important factors for its quality as well as...